Senior lecturer of the Department of Social Sciences TMA Iskandarov Sherzod Abduganievich


2004-2008 – student of the Tashkent Pedagogical University named after Nizami

2008-2010 – graduate student of Tashkent Pedagogical University named after Nizami

2011-2012 – trainee researcher of Tashkent Pedagogical University named after Nizami

2013-2014 – senior researcher of Tashkent Pedagogical University named after Nizami

Work experience:

2004-2008 – student of the Tashkent Pedagogical University named after Nizami

2008-2010 – graduate student of Tashkent Pedagogical University named after Nizami

2008-2010 – teacher of the school №114 in the Chilanzar district of the city of Tashkent

2011-2012 – trainee researcher of Tashkent Pedagogical University named after Nizami

2013-2014 – senior researcher of Tashkent Pedagogical University named after Nizami

2014-2014 – assistant of the Department of the Humanities of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies

2014-2015 – teacher of the Department of Social Sciences of the Tashkent College of Culture

2014-2017 – assistant of the Department of Social Sciences of the Tashkent Medical Academy

2017 to current –   senior lecturer of the Department of Social Sciences of the Tashkent Medical Academy

 Scientific activity:

2018 – PhD thesis on “Development and Transformation of the Ethnocultural Identification of Uzbek Arabs”

 Main directions of practical activity:

History of Uzbekistan, ethnography, ethnology.

Main directions of scientific activity:

History of Uzbekistan, ethnography, ethnology, anthropology.

Articles and theses:

  • The impact of new technologies and innovations on the Arab business life in Uzbekistan // Materials of the scientific-practical conference of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education on the theme The history of the Uzbek state: problems and researchs Т.: 2012, pp. 33-135.
  • National self-awareness of Uzbek Arabs: Tradition and Transformation // Bulletin of the Islamic University. Tashkent, 2012, №. 2. pp. 9-12.
  • Diaspora of Uzbek Arabs wedding rituals: tradition and modernity // Materials of the second republican scientific conference History of the Fergana Valley in new researchs. Fergana, 2012, 90-93.
  • History of the study of Uzbek Arabs // Materials of the Republican scientific conference Ethnocultural attitude in Uzbekistan and its role in the formation of statehood. Khiva, 2012, 78-82.
  • Ethnotoponyms associated with the ethnos of the Arabs in Uzbekistan Scientific-practical conference of young orientalists named after academician Ubaidulla Karimov. Tashkent, 2012, pp. 66-68.
  • Traditional garments of Arabs // Journal “Moziydan sado” Tashkent, 2012, № 3. pp. 40-41.
  • Location of the Arabs in Central Asia during the reign of Amir Temur \\ Dissemination and study of the written heritage of the Timurid period Т. 2015, 45-50.
  • Religious and cultural values of Uzbek Arabs connected with the religion of Islam and Zoroastrianism // Republican Scientific and Practical Conference on History, archeology, ethnology of Southern Uzbekistan in new sources Karshi, pp. 207-209.
  • Changes in the language features of local Arabs // Modern interactive technologies and problems of informatization of education. Tashkent, 2015, pp. 134-137.
  • Amir Temur is the patron of Sayyid // Citizenship and human rights Tashkent, 2015, № 2. pp. 56-60.
  • Religious tolerance in Uzbekistan // Муборак ҳаёти Муборак. 2015. №. 17. pp. 2-3.
  • Developing of Uzbek Arabs’ in self-consciousness 9th International scientific conference “European Applied Sciences: modern approaches in scientific researches” 31 Th march 2014. Stuttgart, Germany. 18-19.
  • Some reasonings about the ethnotoponomies of the Arabs living in Uzbekistan // Pedagogy of cooperation in the system of continuing education (international conference) Tashkent, 2014, pp. 260-263.
  • Issues of international consensus and tolerance in Uzbekistan (in the example of modern arab youth) // Independence of Uzbekistan: the state, society, people. Н.: 2014, pp 96-99.
  • Arabs of Uzbekistan: history and problems of historiography // Actual issues of modern history Collection of scientific publications. The edition is included in the RICC. Мoscow, 2013, pp. 123-128.
  • Some discussions about the ethnic history of the Arabs of Uzbekistan and related ethnotoponims // The young scientist. Monthly scientific journal. № 4 (63) / 2014. pp. 776-779.
  • Some reasonings about the ethnic consciousness of uzbek arabs // Bulletin of the Islamic University. Tashkent, 2014, № 1 pp. 11-14.
  • some reasoning about the migration of the Arabs of the Jains during the reign of Amir Temur and the Temurids // Миллатнинг дардига дармон бўлиб. Navoi, 2014, pp. 55-57.
  • Some reasonings about the language peculiarities of the Arabic diaspora in Uzbekistan // Newsletter of NUUz Tashkent, 2013 № 4, pp. 154-156.
  • Life and scientific activity of academician Karim Shoniyazov // Муборак ҳаёти. Муборак. 2013, № 10, pp. 3-4.
  • Some reasoning about the ethnic history of the living Arabs in Uzbekistan // Scientific information of Bukhara State University, Bukhara, 2013/4(52) 95-99.
  • The development and ethno-cultural process of the Uzbek Arabs: yesterday and today // Actual issues of archeology and ethnology of Southern Uzbekistan, Karshi, pp. 111-114.
  • Ethnoculture of modern Arab youth: the processes of traditions and transformation // Sources of Science. Khiva, 2013, № 11. pp. 28-31.
  • Arab diaspora in Uzbekistan at funeral rites: traditionalism and modernity // National University, Newsletter of NUUz, Tashkent, 2013 № 1, pp. 60-64.
  • Ethnographic features of burial – ominal rites of the Arabs of Uzbekistan // “Отан тарихы” National history scientific journal Kazakhstan 2013, № 4 (64) 125-133.
  • Tradition and modernity in the family rites of Uzbek Arab // Sources of Science. Khiva, 2013 № 1, pp. 33-36.
  • Ethnic self-awareness of Uzbek Arabs // In a series of urgent problems of the ethnology of Uzbekistan “Readings of Academician Karim Shoniyazov”. Tashkent, 2013, pp. 210-218.
  • Ethnic culture of Uzbek Arabs: tradition and modernity // Sources of Science. Khiva, 2013, № 9, 36-40.
  • Features of traditional clothing of Uzbek Arabs // XXI century – the age of intellectual generation. Tashkent, 2013. 56-58.
  • The tradition and modernity of Arabic women’s clothing and ornaments \\ Actual issues of archeology and ethnology of Southern Uzbekistan. Karshi, 2016 418-421.
  • Arab ethnography living in Uzbekistan \\ Collection of scientific works of talented students and young scientists. TashPU named after Nizami Tashkent, 2016. 119-121.
  • Information of russian scientists on the ethnography of the Arabs of Central Asia \\ Material spiritual heritage and universal values Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. State Museum of History of Uzbekistan. Tashkent, 2016, 43-44.
  • Arab ethnography in the Zarafshan region \\ Collection of scientific works of talented students and young scientists. TashPU named after Nizami Tashkent, 2016. 119-121.
  • Ethno-cultural values of Uzbek Arabs \\ Modern culture in the process of globalization. Navoi, 43-44.
  • On the traditional economic relations of the Arabs (in the case of Uzbekistan) \\ Social sciences in Uzbekistan. – 2016/1. – Tashkent, 2016.– 29-32.
  • Sahibkiran Amir Temur the owner of mature spirituality \\ The education system of Uzbekistan for the years of independence: reforms, achievements and prospects. Tashkent, 2017. – 248-250.
  • Some considerations about the ethnic history of the Arabs of Uzbekistan and related ethnotoponym \\ Bulletin of Anthropology Moscow, 4 № 2017. 38-47.
  • Rites of Uzbek Arabs are related to the birth and upbringing of a child \\ The lessons of Imam al-Bukhari Samarkand, 2017 № 3, 60-63
  • Ethical peculiarities of the population of Central Asia during Amir Temur \\ Priority tasks of educating a harmoniously developed generation in the system of continuous education and ways of their implementation. Materials of the scientific-practical conference. Tashkent, 2017. – 78-80.
  • Ethnoses associated with scientific and theoretical approaches \\ Priority tasks of educating a harmoniously developed generation in the system of continuous education and ways of their implementation. Materials of the scientific-practical conference. Tashkent, 2017. – 306-307.
  • Ethnic peculiarities of the population of Central Asia and the South Aral Sea area during the period of Amir Temur \\ Actual issues of archeology, ethnography, history and historiography of the South Aral Sea area. Materials of the international scientific conference. Tashkent, 2017. – 430-432.

 Teaching aids: 

  • Civil society: ideas and theories
  • Central Asia is an integral part of the world civilization
  • The Arabs of Uzbekistan as a kind of ethnic group